Social media is an important way of communicating best practices in any field and librarianship is no exception. The following are some recommended resources for keeping up to date on HLABC members and other librarians in the field of medical librarianship across the country and the world.
Twitter (BC)
- Vancouver Coastal Health: @VCHhealthcare
- Fraser Health: @Fraserhealth
- Interior Health: @Interior_Health
- Island Health: @VanIslandHealth
- Northern Health: @Northern_Health
- Doctors of BC (formally the British Columbia Medical Association): @DoctorsOfBC
- College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC: @cpsbc_ca
- BC Centre for Disease Control: @CDCofBC
- Providence Research: @PHCResearch
- BC Medical Journal: @BCMedicalJrnl
- Dean Giustini, UBC Biomedical Librarian: @giustini
- Mary Doug-Wright, Health Librarian / Information Specialist: @mdwright
- Ursula Ellis, Health Librarian: @uellis
- Douglas Salzwedel, Health Librarian: @DougSalzwedel
- Julie Creaser, Medical Librarian: @CreaserJulie
Twitter (CA)
- Canadian Health Libraries Association/Association des bibliothèques de la santé du Canada (CHLA/ABSC): @chlaabsc
- The Canadian College of Health Leaders (CCHL-CCLS): @CCHL_CCLS
- The College of Family Physicians of Canada: @FamPhysCan
- The Canadian Interprofessional Health Collaborative: @CIHC_ca
- Canadian Medical Association: @CMA_Docs
- Canadian Nurses Association: @canadanurses
- Amy Faulkner, Public health librarian (Barrie, ON): @librarian04
- Erin Culhane, Health Info Specialist (Hamilton, ON): @erinculhane
- Orvie Dingwall, Health Librarian (Winnipeg, MB): @odingwall
- Melissa Helwig, Health Sciences Librarian (Winnipeg, MB): @mlhelwig
Twitter (International)
- Medical Libraries Association: @MedLibAssn
- National Library of Medicine: @NLM_NIH
- Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA): @JAMA_current
- (2009-ongoing) PubMed Search Strategies:
- (2009-ongoing) Michelle Kraft: The Krafty Librarian: Things of Interest to a Medical Librarian
Do you have any social media sites that you’d like to share?
Email HLABC’s Communications Director at to contribute to this growing network of health information professionals.